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Opel Manta400s
Manta A-series
Lotus Elise Motorsport Exige
Lotus Esprits
Bomb Disposal Robots
VX220 Turbos
Restoration project
Brabus Roadster Coupes
One off alloy components
One off Carbon Fibre and Kydex components
Wireless control systems
One off design proving
Hobby Projects
Our 4 944 Turbo Trackskills Cars
Delorean Factory Test Track Visit
Building Automation Systems

Click on the right to go to my Lotus Audi Exige build, Esprits, Mantas, VX220s and EOD Robots for TV and Movie use. You’ll see from my sites that I have an obsession with engineering, from primarily working with controls, composites and alloys to building the off grid workshop above.